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YouTube subscribers

Brand Origins has reached a large audience of startup founders, and entrepreneurs in the Philippines. According to our analytics, 37% of our audience are in the 25-34 age range. Check out our completemedia kit here.

Podcast Episode Format


Podcast Pre-Roll

We have one 30-second pre-roll slot per episode. Each pre-roll is aired after our introduction.


Podcast Mid-Roll

We have one 1-minute mid-roll slot per episode. Each mid-roll is aired in the middle of the episode.


YouTube Mid-Roll

We have one 1-minute mid-roll slot per video. Each mid-roll is aired in the middle of the video.

Control the narrative


Full-Episode Feature (12 minute video)

We will work with you in creating a script that can feature the origins of your company, highlight the essence of your brand, and why people should choose you over your competitors.

We can customize your message in keeping with our tone and experiences, or deliver a script you send us. We love getting to know our sponsors would love to participate in demos or even build sample apps ourselves if applicable and possible.


Do you have guaranteed KPIs?

Unfortunately, I can't guarantee the number of people the episode you sponsored will reach. It may just reach a hundred, or it may go viral and reach half a million people. If you want guaranteed KPIs, I recommend running Facebook ads instead.

Can I choose which episodes to sponsor?

Yes! We can discuss what the upcoming episodes are and what companies we'll be covering in those episodes. You can pick and choose which episode(s) to sponsor based on your company’s interests and target audience.

Can I mix pre-roll and mid-roll sponsorships? Can I sponsor the same episode twice?

You sure can - we find some sponsors like to grab both pre-roll and mid-roll slots for a single episode to capture interest and then follow up midway through the episode. Based on availability, we often have sponsors sign on for what’s available, even if it’s a mix of pre-roll slots for some episodes and mid-roll slots for others.

Can I use a different script for different episodes?

Absolutely. We only request that you send us the script at least two weeks prior to your episode going live so our team has time to record your sponsor roll.

Do you have a episode minimum for sponsorships?

We do not! Sponsor one episode or the entire season. Our sponsorships are first-come, first-served, so if you’re interested in sponsoring several episodes, it’s best to get in early.

"You're charging too much. Running Facebook Ads is cheaper."

You're not really only paying for the number of people you can reach. You're also not only paying to reach a specific group of people. You're also paying for my relationship with my audience. My community trusts me. I give this show everything I have in order to maintain that trust. You can copy my work, do everything I do, but you can't replicate the unique relationship I have with the people I've met along the way who love what I have built. That has value.


Head on to this Google Form, and ask us anything.