Chris Garin holding Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday book
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Why I Built This

I can lie to you and say that I started all this because I wanted to help people, but honestly, I didn't do this for anyone - I did this for me.

I made Brand Origins because I enjoyed learning about the history of brands, and I made Bullish because I enjoyed talking about business ideas.

The truth is, I was simply scratching my own itch. I made the podcast that I've always wanted.

In the process, I discovered something I genuinely loved doing. To my surprise, other people loved it as well.

I used to think that "making an impact" meant donating to charity. I never expected that by doing something you genuinely enjoyed doing, you can inspire others to do the same.

And that's what keeps me going.

I've said this many times before - as long as I can financially sustain myself, even if this particular business venture of mine does not bring in a single dime, I will continue to do this because I truly enjoy every second of it.

Chris Garin holding Stilness is the Key by Ryan Holiday Book
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Why I Built This

I can lie to you and say that I started all this because I wanted to help people, but honestly, I didn't do this for anyone - I did this for me.

I made Brand Origins because I enjoyed learning about the history of brands, and I made Bullish because I enjoyed talking about business ideas.

The truth is, I was simply scratching my own itch. I made the podcast that I've always wanted.

In the process, I discovered something I genuinely loved doing. To my surprise, other people loved it as well.

I used to think that "making an impact" meant donating to charity. I never expected that by doing something you genuinely enjoyed doing, you can inspire others to do the same.

And that's what keeps me going.